Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Long time never really take care of my blog.

Suddenly I have the mood to go through all my previous posts.

When I read back posts about her, I can't help myself and feel sad and emo. The tears dropped again. All of these seem like just happened not long ago.

I really can't imagine if someone I care and love gone again in the future. What will happen?

I want everybody to stay healthy and happy.

My parents, my friends, my love, all the people i care and love, please don't leave me alone.

Mum and dad, i miss both of you so much suddenly.

Sometimes, love just ain't enough. There is so much we NEED to DO rather than JUST SAY.

Goodnight people.

I need YOU!!

It's not the time for hide and seek again.
Please come to me. I NEED you so dearly.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Magic

There is a so called 'miracle water' in the market.
I bet everybody know about this product.
What is so special about this product? Hmmph.
Recently I give it a try.

This product really WOW me.
Well, it is not cheap. But definitely worth the money.

I was wondering how come this product can be so magical.

After about a week of trying this product, I can feel the changes.
My skin becoming smoother and fairer after few weeks. The skin tone is more even compared to last time.
Taa daa...

Let me introduce you SK-II Facial Treatment Essence.

You will know the magic of it once you give it a try.

Well, at least it works on me.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010


很久没有把生活点滴给放上来叻啊。。趁着现在做midnight shift,有的是时间,我把最近我的生活简单的讲述一下。。。

最近参与了公司的team building。那种以前参加活动,露营的感觉又回来了。当然我还是和以前一样的爱玩。我就喜欢户外活动了。尤其是那种爬上爬下,跑来跑去的。大家一起为了自己的组而尽力,一起表演,嘻哈玩乐。。。没有压力,自由自在。。。公司出钱,我们就尽力的玩。。。

两天的时间说长不长说短不短,认识了一些新朋友。看到大家的表演,付出,觉得自己很幸运可以认识到大家。 同事对我来说是一个动力,留在公司的动力。如果没有这一些和自己一样疯疯癫癫,胡闹开玩笑的同事的话,我想任何一间公司我也呆不下去了。

最近的我,很开心;但是也是有矛盾的时候。 最近发生了一些我自己想不到的很多事情,一些自己控制不了的事情。我在想是我的问题吗?


生活一样过,既来之,则安之 =P
